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I need and use tips and tricks of all kinds to make my work not only easy but more importantly to save time!


The time I save I like to spend with my family and that's why tips and tricks are sooooo important for me.


I am going to share a few with you and hope they help as well....

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Easily Cutting Vegetables That Have Turned Soft

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To slice vegetables finely especially tomatoes which are not very firm, try using a serrated becomes much easier!

Storing Fresh Coriander To Last Longer


Put fresh coriander (root side) in a glass of water and cover the top part with a plastic bag, put this in your fridge door section and your coriander will remain fresh much longer!

Working With Garlic

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Pealing garlic will never be a hassle again, just drop the garlic cloves in a bowl of hot water for a watch the magic happen! When you try to peal the garlic its skin slips out like butter!


Still have the smell of garlic on your hands and can't get it off even after washing your hands so many times? Worry not - thoroughly rub your fingers with the back of a stainless steel spoon and then wash your hands with soap. You will see the magic happen!

Using Fruit Skins To Make Jelly

Do not discard skins of fruits such as Watermelon, Oranges, etc. - use them as bowls to make jelly. Not only will they bring a great dash of color to your next party, kids love the look of these and will gulp down the jellies in a moment!


Writing On Cake

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Do you struggle piping the words on your cake, mine come out all swiggly wiggly.....try this - with a toothpick gently carve/write out the words you want and then using them as a guide pipe on them. They will definitely be more neater!

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